HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE, AR, Jan. 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The most popular New Year’s resolution – to eat less and exercise more – is failing ageing Americans according to longevity expert Dr. William Cortvriendt, author of the best-selling book, Living a Century or More.

Author of the bestseller, "Living a Century or More," Dr. William Cortvriendt recommends a three-step joint-support regimen instead of the often ineffective "eat less/exercise more" resolution.

Dr. Cortvriendt found that the best source of Omega 3 fatty acids are derived in the cold-pressed green-lipped mussel from pristine New Zealand waters.



“Once we hit 50, we can’t afford to make diet and exercise resolutions that we can’t keep,” he said. “To live a long life, we must commit to – and never quit – the only resolution that really matters: keep moving without pain. Inflammation causes pain, and joint pain prevents us from moving.”


Cortrvriendt recommends a simple, three-step joint-support regimen:


  • Basic exercise
  • Fresh, unprocessed foods
  • Fatty acid supplementation


First, forget the false hope of the new gym membership. “Just start walking 30 minutes a day, and move up from there as you like,” he advised. “Daily movement is the single most important resolution we can make.”


Second, stop eating processed foods and non-grass-fed livestock. “Grain-based carbohydrates and meats inject Omega 6 fatty acids into our systems, which in themselves cause inflammation,” said Cortvriendt. “Better to eat fruits, vegetables, free-range chicken, grass-fed beef and wild-caught fish. A grain-fed, farm-raised salmon, for instance, isn’t much better than eating a fast-food burger.”


Third, avoid dangerous pain medications and surgeries by keeping the joints lubricated with fish oil supplements. “To reduce swelling and to slow down cartilage degradation, we need to balance our natural Omega 6 intake with Omega 3 fish oil supplements,” he said. “The correct fatty acid ratios are critical, and my research has shown that the most effective, wide-spectrum fish oils have been discovered in the New Zealand green-lipped mussel.”


Dr. Cortvriendt found that only the Dutch supplement company Synofit uses a proprietary cold-press liquification process to preserve the mussel’s nutritional integrity instead of the more common heat-based processing into powder. “Also, Synofit combines additional ingredients to complement the green-lipped mussel-based formula, including curcumin, blackcurrant leaf and the very rare furan fatty acids, to create a state-of-the-art anti-inflammatory supplement in one pill that you can take every day, with no side effects.”


Since the American Association of Osteopathic Surgeons determined that the standard joint-health supplement, glucosamine, is essentially ineffective, Dr. Cortvriendt searched for an alternative. “Synofit sales have outpaced glucosamine in Holland, proving its effectiveness for ageing adults who want to stay active longer, and live longer lives,” he said. “I took an interest in the company after seeing the results with my patients.”


Arthritis and joint pain are shortening millions of lives. Blood thinners complicate matters, NSAIDs harm intestines, and opioids are killing more people than car accidents. “A supplement like Synofit, combined with diet and exercise, can play a vital role in decreasing arthritis degradation and increasing longevity,” said Dr. Cortvriendt. “Pain is considered the ‘fifth vital sign,’ and is so common in our ageing society that we can no longer afford to merely mask the pain or treat the symptoms. We’re compelled to prevent pain with the best solutions science has to offer, and, most importantly, to just keep moving if we want to beat the odds and live to be 100.”


About Synofit
Glucosamine wasn’t working for Dutch entrepreneur Camiel Hofstee who was suffering from severe knee osteoarthritis. Then he met a veterinarian who spent 30 years developing a nutraceutical that virtually eliminated joint pain in injured Olympic jumping horses. After trying it himself, Camiel founded Synofit in 2009. Derived from green-lipped mussels, whose joint-health benefits were originally discovered by Maori tribes in New Zealand, this “secret formula” GLMax® supplement recently surpassed Dutch glucosamine sales. Synofit Premium is clinically proven to reduce pain more effectively than other Omega-3 fish oils, glucosamine and chondroitin because it reduces inflammation and arthritis. It is recommended for older adults taking blood thinners instead of NSAIDs, since Synofit Premium has virtually no side effects. As the only GLM supplement combining 100 percent of the non-heated mussel itself (including furan fatty acids, unique Omega-3 oils, specific proteins and glycosaminoglycans, Bio-CM100® Bio-Curcumin and blackcurrant leaf), it is now available in the U.S. in liquid capsule and pure liquid form. For more information please visit


  • portretfoto William Cortvriendt (2)
  • groenlipmossel glmax® koud proces
John Metzger
Synofit USA