Following are highlights from the poll based on interviews with 1,177 Iowa Republicans. The results will be updated as more interviews are collected.

* 37% of caucus-goers said the economy was the issue that mattered most in deciding who to vote for on Monday, compared to 36% who cited immigration, while the rest said foreign policy or abortion.

* 60% said they favor a federal law that would ban abortions nationwide.

* 66% said they did not think Democrat Joe Biden legitimately won the presidency in 2020.

* 64% said they decided who to support in the presidential nomination contest before this month.

* 63% said Donald Trump would still be fit to be president if he were convicted of a crime.

* 47% said they considered themselves part of the MAGA movement, a reference to Trump's Make America Great Again slogan. 49% said they were not part of that movement.

* 12% said the most important quality a Republican presidential nominee should have is the ability to beat Biden, compared to 43% who said shared values mattered most.

Edison Research conducted the poll on behalf of the National Election Pool, a consortium of news organizations including Reuters.

(Reporting by Jason Lange in Washington and Alexandra Ulmer in San Francisco; Editing by Christian Schmollinger and Deepa Babington)

By Alexandra Ulmer and Jason Lange