Mobile Labs, a leading provider of enterprise-grade mobile app and web development and testing solutions, today announced version 7.3 of its deviceConnect™ mobile device cloud, adding enhanced support for Appium automation. Customers wanting to run Appium scripts, whether new or existing, can now easily match those scripts to real mobile devices, using a compatible Appium server that is now a standard feature, without installing or configuring their own Appium servers.

“We’re excited to offer customers an easier, more streamlined path to running Appium scripts,” said Dan McFall, President of Mobile Labs. “Customers told us they were spending too much time and money configuring their own Appium servers to test on real mobile devices, so we have done the job instead, helping teams build world-class mobile digital experiences faster.”

deviceConnect makes running Appium scripts fast and easy for native app, hybrid app and mobile web. And smart device selection directs scripts to the appropriate cloud-based, real devices. Scripts can be run in parallel on multiple devices concurrently. Smart code signing, performed automatically by the deviceConnect server, performs touchless provisioning so apps are instantly ready to run on real devices. deviceConnect’s pre-configured support for Appium uses the deviceBridge™ feature to connect real mobile devices to scripts.

“Our support for Appium uses the standard, open-source server that is rapidly becoming a standard for mobile app and web testing,” continued McFall. “As a standard part of deviceConnect, customers can rely on Mobile Labs’ world-class support organization to get Appium started and to keep it running smoothly.”

In addition to enhanced Appium support, deviceConnect’s market-leading and rapidly expanding list of supported frameworks includes not only developer tools such as Xcode and Android Developer Studio, but also other leading mobile app test automation tools including HP’s UFT, IBM’s Rational, Tricentis, Experitest, EggPlant, Jenkins, SOASTA, Calabash and most other tools that ordinarily use USB-attached devices.

deviceConnect, a private device cloud, provides secure remote access to mobile devices for managed use by developers and testers, enabling automated continuous quality integration and app delivery, DevOps processes, as well as automated and manual app/web/device testing. With deviceBridge, an extension to deviceConnect, many test automation frameworks and many developer tools used for checkout and debugging can retain cloud-based devices as if locally connected by USB. For such tools, deviceBridge serves as a “virtual USB cable” connecting cloud-based device(s) to a local laptop or server over Ethernet (LAN or WAN).

About Mobile Labs

Mobile Labs provides enterprise-grade mobile device clouds that improve efficiency and raise quality for agile–based, cross-platform mobile app and mobile web deployments. The company’s patented device cloud, deviceConnect™, is available in both public and on-premises configurations. deviceConnect provides affordable, highly-secure access to a large inventory of mobile devices across major mobile platforms to developers, test engineers, and customer support representatives, among others. At the heart of enterprise mobile app deployment, deviceConnect enables automated continuous quality integration, DevOps processes, automated testing, and manual app/web/device testing on managed devices. deviceConnect supports all major integrated app development environments (IDEs), such as Xcode, as well as automated app and web testing on real mobile devices using a wide variety of mobile UI test automation tools. deviceBridge™, an extension to deviceConnect, serves as a “virtual USB cable” to checkout and debug cloud-based devices as if they are locally connected. For more information, please visit