27 January 2013

A delegation from SBI Japanese Company that specialized in manufacturing innovative products in medicine, cosmetics, and deity supplements visited Salman Industrial City in Hidd.

The Delegation was received by the Director of Industrial Area Mr. Salah Janahi and BIIP Marketing Manager Paddy Gallagher, who provided a detailed explanation about Salman Industrial City and what contained of large projects and services institutions and other facilities where the city includes Bahrain International Investment Park, Bahrain Investment Wharf and Hidd Industrial Area. They were also clarify about the incentives and facilities offered by the Kingdom of Bahrain for industrial investors attracting foreign investment. The delegation inquired about investment environment and the quality of existing factories in the city, as well as industries that are encouraged by the Kingdom of Bahrain.

At the end of the visit, the delegation praised the efforts of the Government and the Ministry in enhancing industrial sector in the Kingdom and expressed their admiration and they looked forward to invest in the Industrial sector.

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