France congratulates Italy following its 12th presidency of the Council of the European Union which has just concluded with a number of important achievements including:

 the implementation of strategic priorities set in June by the heads of state and government in order to revive growth and employment through an ambitious investment plan that will mobilize more than €315 billion for concrete projects that will boost growth throughout the EU;

 the improvement of the functioning of the EU, following European elections and in the context of the renewal of the institutions and the adoption of the EU budget for 2015.

France wishes Latvia every success in its first presidency of the Council of the European Union. It assures it of its full support with respect to the key topics to be addressed during the first half of the year: growth, competitiveness and employment, the digital agenda and Europe's role in the world. The Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga from May 21 to 22 will provide an opportunity to discuss the implementation of reforms in the Eastern neighborhood. The European Council meeting on June 25 and 26 will provide an important opportunity to make progress on European defense.

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