Jan. 29, 2013  Tue.

Tax payment statements bearing the former agency name ,Taipei National Tax Administration, may still be acceptable when making the payment despite of the fact that the name change has taken into effect on January 1, 2013.

The National Taxation Bureau of Taipei (NTBT), Ministry of Finance stated that its agency name that is currently used has been applied since January 1, 2013 in response to the reorganization of Executive Yuan. During the transitional period, the tax payment statement bearing the former name may still be acceptable by the commissioned banks of the ROC government treasury or convenience stores which provide services in relation to the collection of payment made by taxpayers for their tax due. There is no need to rewrite or apply for the reissue of the tax payment statements.

The NTBT explained that following its name change, the former name which had been used by taxation agencies in accordance with those regulations governing the procedure of tax collection will not affect the commissioned banks or convenience stores to carry out their function of tax collection. For the convenience of making tax payment, the NTBT urges the commissioned banks or convenience stores to carry out their function of tax collection according to the regulations . Questions are welcome by calling the toll-free service line 0800-000321.

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