Jakarta, 29/01/2015 MoF - The government plans to increase the budget for the State Capital Investment (PMN) for 42 State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). In the draft of Revised State Budget (RAPBN-P) 2015, the PMN budget is set by IDR72.97 trillion.

Sourced from the Financial Memorandum RAPBN-P 2015 , the figure shows an increase of IDR67.86 trillion compared to the previous allocation in APBN 2015 of IDR5.11 trillion. The budget addition aims to support the agenda of national priorities through several priority programs.

In the Financial Notes of RAPBN-P 2015, several priority programs are the increase in food sovereignty and maritime infrastructure development, support for the aerospace industry, the development of national defense industry, and others.

PMN for SOEs to support food sovereignty programs is intended to support food self-sufficiency programs, procurement of seeds and increase national fish production. PMN for SOEs to support programs and maritime infrastructure, among others, aimed at the development of airports and ports, procurement of the ship, and the completion of the trans-Sumatra highway construction.

Meanwhile, PMN for SOEs to support other government programs are intended to implement the recommendations of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), the company's debt restructuring as well as revitalization and restructuring of SOEs. (wa)

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