World Bank South Asia Region Vice president Philippe H. Le Houerou met Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa at the Economic Development office recently.

During the discussion Sri Lanka's economic development process and the present and future cooperation between the World Bank and Sri Lanka were highlighted. Houerou said that after his arrival he had visited the North, the East and several other parts of the country and spoken to government officials and people of all walks of life. "The level of development I have witnessed is highly impressive", he noted.

Expressing gratitude for the massive World Bank assistance given to Sri Lanka for rebuilding the country after nearly three decades of war the Minister Rajapaksa also thanked the bank on the government's behalf for helping to launch a series of programmes during the past five years. Among the participants at the meeting was the WB's country director for Sri Lanka and the Maldives Francoise Clottes.

•Pictures by: Thusitha Chandakumara

•Compiled by: Dharman Wickremaratne

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