Press release
13 January 2014
Ministry for Foreign Affairs

In 2014, for the third year, the Government is employing a promotion calendar to place the traditional creative industries in the spotlight. The Government and Swedish embassies around the world will use the calendar to highlight and promote a chosen industry, such as fashion, design, music or computer games, for one month at a time.

It is a way of strengthening the existing image of Sweden as a leading country in these industries, while strengthening the brand Sweden represents as a creative, open country where culture and artistic creativity are harnessed.

"The changing focus each month has also been seen to increase trade and investment. It is positive that the creative industries are represented in the business sector and Swedish exports; I fully endorse this development. In this way we create the conditions for more companies to create growth, contribute to higher employment and increased Swedish competitiveness," says Minister for Trade Ewa Björling.

The 2014 promotion calender contains the following:

  • February - Music
  • April - Fashion and design
  • June - Gaming and Marcom (computer games)
  • October - Film
  • November - Literature

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