Migration Planning Tool Significantly Reduces Risk and Cost in SharePoint Migration Process

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Metalogix today announced the addition of Migration Expert to its best of breed suite of SharePoint solutions. This initial release is free and significantly reduces both risk and cost in the SharePoint migration process by offering a detailed assessment of current SharePoint environments.

Preparing for and conducting a migration from a legacy version of SharePoint to the latest release can cost companies hundreds of thousands of dollars in effort, generate significant business disruption and can take months to complete. Also, SharePoint deployments have matured and become increasingly complex and mission critical, necessitating that administrators obtain a full picture of the risks that lie ahead, and workarounds they may need, before they embark on the migration of business-critical content from legacy SharePoint infrastructures.

Migration Expert mitigates migration risks by analyzing a user's current SharePoint environment and providing immediate, actionable steps for migrating content onto newer versions of SharePoint including SharePoint 2013 and Office 365. The product is easy to install and simple to use, quickly scanning the SharePoint platform, including Web Applications, Content Databases, Site Collections and Sites against Microsoft recommended thresholds. After the scan is complete, Migration Expert delivers findings against 60 metrics in easy-to-understand PDF reports that can be used by both technical SharePoint professionals and non-technical business audiences.

"Migration Expert is a SharePoint industry game-changer that responds directly to customers' needs for a better way to migrate SharePoint content. As the migration process from SharePoint environments becomes more complex and mission critical, our customers cannot afford costly mistakes," said Steven Murphy, CEO, Metalogix. "Migration Expert is a highly-effective, free product that enables SharePoint administrators to see their environment and avoid potential migration issues and unnecessary downtime within their deployments by identifying them in advance, saving time and money in the process. Migration Expert helps our customers protect their critical business content as they effectively manage their SharePoint infrastructure."

Metalogix customers are quickly realizing the value of Migration Expert to their business.
Sean Bordner, CEO, SharePointAMS.com said, "Our customers trust us with upgrading critical solutions. Migration Expert by Metalogix has already proven to be the first go-to tool."

Working closely with customers and industry thought leaders Metalogix developed Migration Expert to meet customers' requirements for greater visibility and planning around SharePoint migrations. Based on 12 years of SharePoint migration experience and the migration of more than 50,000 terabytes of content, Migration Expert brings a new level of visibility to the migration process. Migration Expert is powered by the same technology as Content Matrix, the most sophisticated and powerful migration tool on the market, and is available today as a free download.

Please visit www.metalogix.com/MigrationExpertDownload to download Migration Expert.

About Metalogix
Metalogix provides content infrastructure management software to transform collaboration platforms, increase knowledge sharing, and improve the use and performance of enterprise content management platforms. Today, more than 14,000 customers, in 86 countries on 7 continents, rely on Metalogix management software to migrate, synchronize, store, monitor, govern, backup, and archive content on Microsoft SharePoint, Exchange and Cloud environments. Metalogix services customers in the government, energy, legal, financial services, healthcare, consulting, and many other industries.

Metalogix was named to Inc.'s 500 List of Fastest Growing Private Companies in 2012 and was recognized as the fastest growing software company in the Washington, D.C. area by the Washington Business Journal. Metalogix is a Microsoft Gold Partner, a managed partner in Microsoft's Public Sector, a member of the Microsoft Partner Advisory Board and a certified GSA provider. Metalogix is a privately held company backed by Insight Venture Partners and Bessemer Venture Partners. Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and contact us at +1 202-690-9100 or http://www.metalogix.com/for downloads and success stories.

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