Subang, 30 December 2014: In light of the flood situation in the East Coast, Malaysia Airlines and the Malaysian Armed Forces ferried more than 16 tons of relief supplies including rice, water, instant noodles and diapers to Kota Bharu from the Royal Military Air Force Base in Subang last night on a humanitarian flight.

Flight MH8636 departed Kuala Lumpur on 29 December at 10:47pm with a transit in Subang to collect the donated goods from various NGOs and members of the public and arrived in Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Kota Bharu at 3.16am as MH8684 the next day. The return flight, MH8685 departed Kota Bharu at 5.13am on 30 December and arrived in KL International Airport at 6.21am the same day.

The national carrier mounted the newest aircraft of its fleet, the 100th Boeing 737 series for this service.

Malaysia Airlines' Group CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said, "We have dedicated belly space in two of our five daily Kota Bharu as relief flights on our Boeing 737-800, which gives us roughly 4 tons of cargo capacity daily."

"Our subsidiary, Firefly, has been the centre of the relief efforts, transporting donated goods from the public to affected areas. Due to this overwhelming response from the public, MASkargo is assisting Firefly to deliver these goods to Kota Bharu and Kuala Terengganu from KL International Airport," he added.

MASkargo has also been busy uplifting basic supplies such as rice, water, instant noodles and cooking oil from MERCY Malaysia to be delivered to the flood victims.

To date, MASkargo has transported approximately 12.8 tonnes of dry food items in batches from 27 December to Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Kota Bharu via Malaysia Airlines flight MH1384, MH1396 and MH1426.

Also for this cause, Malaysia Airlines is waiving change fees and price differences for stranded students of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). For more info, students can approach their nearest Malaysia Airlines' ticketing office.

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