Digital health company MD Revolution, Inc. today launched RevUp! Health Accelerated, a groundbreaking new digital health solution that allows consumers to track health metrics, nutrition data and various fitness parameters all in one place from their mobile device or computer. MD Revolution unveiled RevUp! at the 2014 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

RevUp! is a complete health solution that fills an unmet need in the fast-growing consumer health marketplace. RevUp! makes health, nutrition and fitness data understandable and actionable. Consumers receive customized goals and coaching and can track their progress in real-time.

Live demonstrations of the RevUp! user experience and health coaching will be on display during CES at the Your Health 360° - RevUp! Your Health exhibit (Booth 26322).

"RevUp! uses predictive intelligence to shift the medical paradigm from reactive disease treatment to proactive health care," said Dr. Samir Damani, a practicing cardiologist and founder and CEO of MD Revolution. "Our platform allows you to easily visualize your health scores and risks, and then provides tools to measure, monitor, and motivate yourself to improve your nutrition habits and become healthier and more fit."

All RevUp! users receive a highly customized health plan based on their preferences and lifestyle. Users are guided by a team of clinicians that track each individual's progress and give constructive, motivational feedback via the online platform or email. An innovative points system and other "game" elements tap into users' competitive spirit to get them moving. The platform also enables users to set personalized heart rate zones for interval training and reduce their RevUp! age as they improve their cardiovascular fitness.

To date, 90 percent of RevUp! users have experienced statistically significant improvements in one or more of the following areas: resting metabolism, body fat percentage, visceral fat reduction and cardiorespiratory fitness.

At CES, Dr. Damani is addressing attendees on the topics of proactive medicine and preventative wellness as a panelist for two discussions: "Fitness for Life: Creating Health Technologies for Lifelong Customers" (Jan. 6, 1:30-2:30 p.m. LVCC, North Hall N259) and the Digital Health Summit's "Part 2: Prevention as Policy" (Jan. 8, 10:51-11:45 a.m., LVCC, North Hall N250).

"No longer do we need to wait for the business of medicine to diagnose and treat debilitating disorders like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity," Dr. Damani said. "Today -- with the right tools and support -- consumers have the ability to predict, prevent, and even reverse these chronic diseases on their own."

To experience a live demonstration of RevUp! at CES, visit MD Revolution at the Your Health 360° - RevUp! Your Health exhibit, Booth 26322. Visit to learn more about pricing and patient outcomes.

About MD Revolution

MD Revolution is revolutionizing healthcare delivery by harnessing the power of digital health. MD Revolution's digital health solution RevUp! Health Accelerated empowers consumers to take control of their own health. With RevUp! consumers can predict, prevent and reverse the impact of chronic disease and live a healthier and more energized lifestyle. RevUp!'s patent-pending predictive intelligence engine helps consumers improve their health screening results, body composition, metabolism and cardiovascular fitness with the help of mobile devices and apps. Each user receives a customized program based on individual goals, risk factors and preferences. Participants and their team of medically supervised health coaches track progress via the RevUp! digital health management platform, all in a secure HIPPA compliant environment. Learn more at

Chempetitive Group for MD Revolution
Kelly Quigley or Erik Clausen