Lottoarena Entertainment plc announces today, that the company concluded
already on the 18th of November 2013 together with the main shareholder
Lottoarena AG, Switzerland, an agreement for the purchase of source codes on a
new lottery platform.

Lottoarena AG itself purchased recently the complete license rights for the
source codes of a newly developed lottery platform "" for the
entire EU internal market. The development of the new internet platform
includes the so-called lottery ticket pilot, the Front- and Back-end
development and the specifically for Lottoarena developed Content Management

With the purchase of the license rights, the Lottoarena Group is entitled to
copy and duplicate the platform through its own subsidiaries and deploy it with
the respective adaptations within the entire EU internal market.

This brings Lottoarena into the position, to perform her European expansion
without additional investments into the platform technology. The only costs
which would be incurred are the country specific adaptations, such as language,
hosting, billing etc. These would be carried by the subsidiaries themselves.

Lottoarena AG has paid one time 1.050.000,00 ?uros for the purchase of the
license rights.

In November 2013 Lottoarena AG brought in this platform including all rights as
a contribution in kind into the Lottoarena Entertainment Plc at their own
acquisition costs. In return the AG receives 875.000 new shares from the
authorised capital increase. This corresponds to a share price of EUR 1,20 per

Through this transaction the equity ratio of Lottoarena Entertainment plc
improves significantly. Subject to a valuation report to be drawn up and the
audit by an auditor, the PLC will, after this transaction, identify this as
equity of 1.300.000,00 Euro.

With this new internet platform, the Lottoarena Entertainment plc will
additionally generate revenues from licenses, which she will receive from the
current subsidiary and all future operative subsidiaries in the whole of

End of announcement