TVB, the not-for-profit trade association of America’s local broadcast television industry, announced today that Leo MacCourtney, President of Katz Television Group, has been elected to serve as TVB Chairman for a two-year term (2019-2020). A member of TVB’s Board of Directors since 2005, Mr. MacCourtney most recently served as treasurer. He assumes the Chairman’s position previously held by Perry A. Sook, Founder, Chairman, President and CEO of Nexstar Media Group, Inc., who completed his two-year term at 2018 year-end.

Leo MacCourtney stated, “I’m grateful to follow Perry Sook’s leadership in the role of TVB Chairman as we continue our work on initiatives to support the future growth and innovation of the local broadcast TV industry and our over 800 member stations. Broadcast TV maintains its central position in America’s households because locally delivered programming informs, entertains and enriches the daily lives of viewers. For that reason, local broadcast TV remains the dominant ad-medium for national agencies, small- to mid-sized businesses and political campaigns to reach and influence consumer and voter decisions.

“As the broadcast TV industry continues to evolve across all screens and devices, so has TVB’s mission to increase collaboration between media agencies, advertising sales reps and broadcasters to support our shared goals for sustainable local TV growth. As Chairman, I look forward to working with the leadership to execute TVB’s initiatives that benefit our members including expanding revenue generation opportunities; driving local sales; setting accurate measurement and currency standards; reinforcing the power of our platform; continuing local TV’s focus on digital strategies and advancing the thought leadership at our annual Forward Conference.”

Leo MacCourtney has over 37 years of professional experience in the broadcasting industry, covering all facets of the business, including serving as President of Blair Television from 1998 to 2007. Mr. MacCourtney joined Katz Television Group, the nation’s leading TV representation company, in 2007 as Vice President of Business Development and was appointed to President of the Eagle Television Sales division in 2008. Mr. MacCourtney was named President of the Katz Television Group in March 2012 where he focuses on strengthening broadcaster relationships and driving business development while overseeing the overall strategic sales direction for the company, which currently serves over 72% of the country, covering 188 of the 210 markets.

In addition to serving on the Board of TVB, Mr. MacCourtney is a Board Member of the International Radio & Television Society Foundation, the Broadcasters Foundation of America, the Emma Bowen Foundation and the Washington Media Scholars Foundation.

Steve Lanzano, TVB President and CEO, added, “We look forward to benefitting from Leo’s further involvement in TVB through his service as Chairman for the next two years. As a TVB Board member and as a leading executive at the nation’s top TV rep company, he has been a strong advocate for the power of local broadcast TV’s premium, cross-platform local advertising opportunities. Importantly, Leo’s experience collaborating with both broadcast leaders and media agency executives will serve TVB well as we continue our work to advance local TV, while enhancing our members’ local revenue opportunities and advertiser relationships. I want to thank Perry Sook for his outstanding leadership and guidance over the last two years and we look forward to benefiting from his ongoing participation with TVB.”

About TVB

TVB is the trade association of America’s local broadcast television industry. To learn more visit