If you live in Toronto you know Diamond & Diamond Personal Injury Lawyers. They are everywhere! You have most likely seen Jeremy Diamond's face, partner at Diamond & Diamond, on advertisements around Toronto or heard the catchy slogan, 'Nothing is tougher than a Diamond'. It is no surprise that they are a household name; they are on billboards, at sports games, on TV, radio, and the internet. The firm's marketing is an industry game-changer, copied by many but surpassed by none. Diamond & Diamond are leaders in getting their brand noticed. Winning several awards for their brand recognition, Diamond & Diamond markets itself as a brand and not just a law firm.

Thanks to his extensive market knowledge, Jeremy Diamond, has been able to apply these marketing initiatives into Diamond & Diamond's branding efforts. Jeremy has created a template for marketing in the legal profession, one which did not exist before, and has been highly praised by other branding and marketing professionals.

"All of the large firms are trying to market themselves but they are continuing to get lost in the mix because of their unwillingness to be bold," mentioned Ian Chamandy, partner at Blueprint Strategic Planning, a Toronto consulting firm specializing in strategic planning for businesses. "Jeremy Diamond is blazing the trail and showing others how it needs to be done. Other firms can learn from Diamond & Diamond's marketing strategies."

Understanding the importance of legal marketing, and the need to increase visibility in order to gain success, Jeremy learned the general principles of marketing and customized those to fit their practice area.

"There is a stereotype that law firms are stodgy and old-fashioned but we are the opposite," said Jeremy. "I wanted our brand to go beyond the status quo, so we took advantage of multiple marketing techniques and communicated directly to our target market."

With over 30 years of experience primarily in the area of personal injury, Diamond & Diamond has increased the public's awareness of personal injury law and their rights, giving individuals the ability to protect themselves.

Expanding beyond Toronto to Barrie and Sudbury, Diamond & Diamond has changed the way the legal profession does business!

For interviews or images contact:
Sadaf Piracha, 416-777-2899