WASHINGTON, Jan. 15, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Watch the 1-minute preview video here of a Full Disclosure Network(R) TV-Internet Series featuring Los Angeles Sheriff Sgt. Richard Valdemar (Ret.), an International Gang Specialist, in the second of three segments of Part 2, "Citizens, Taxpayers & Illegal Immigrants." Valdemar charges that not only do universities and colleges not teach students a wide range of history anymore, but they only teach about abuses of minorities. He warns of socialist teachings, urges people to call their representatives to let them know their constituents are concerned about how they vote. Valdemar notes that the silent majority needs to speak up for what's right. Watch the video and full segment here:http://www.fulldisclosure.net/2014/01/bi-partisan-support-for-socialist-bill-645-2/

The News Behind the News:

The Emmy Award-winning Full Disclosure Network(R) is "The News Behind the News," focusing on the crucial issues confronting the U.S. today. Experts in diverse fields present their observations of local, state, federal and international actions and policies that directly affect the public. The wide range of subjects include LAPD Lt. Gary Nanson (ret.), "Gangs Evolve into Organized Crime"; Bill Jones, Chairman of the Board - Pacific Ethanol, "Is Ethanol the Answer?"; Brent Bozell, President, Media Research Center, "CIA Leak & Ethics in the News Media"; and many more informative, one-on-one interviews. Since 1992, the Full Disclosure Network(R) programming has been featured on public cable channels and on the Internet at www.Fulldisclosure.net

What Is The Full Disclosure Network(R)? for more information about the Emmy Award-winning Producer/Host Leslie Dutton and Producer TJ Johnston.


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Contact: Helga Gendell 310-822-4449 www.fulldisclosure.net

SOURCE Full Disclosure Network