PR Newswire/Les Echos/

Société Anonyme au capital de 7 350 000 euros
Siège social : Les Pléiades n° 21, Park Nord, La Bouvarde - 74370 METZ

    Monthly disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares
                  composing the capital of the company in 2013

Date        Number of shares   Number of real voting    Theroretical number of
                             rights (without own shares)    voting rights
                                                        (including own shares)

01/31/13        3,675,000           5,862,437               5,910,327
02/28/13        3,675,000           5,861,647               5,910,327
03/31/13        3,675,000           5,868,215               5,910,327
04/30/13        3,675,000           5,870,391               5,910,327
05/31/13        3,675,000           5,877,339               5,910,697
06/30/13        3,675,000           6,016,210               6,049,487
07/31/13        3,675,000           6,011,781               6,034,667
08/31/13        3,675,000           6,000,369               6,018,667
09/30/13        3,675,000           6,004,871               6,018,667
10/31/13        3,675,000           6,012,228               6,030,267
11/31/13        3,675,000           6,095,271               6,108,732
12/31/13        3,675,000           6,104,148               6,116,417

Shares registered in the name of the same stockholder for at least three years
carry double voting rights.


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