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"Global supply chains create jobs, lift skills and foster innovation and competitiveness," says IOE Deputy Secretary-General


Mr Roberto Suárez Santos, IOE Deputy Secretary- General

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29 January 2015

"Global supply chains create jobs, lift skills and foster innovation and competitiveness," says IOE Deputy Secretary-General at international Conference on new Modes of Production

A high-level conference jointly organised in Paris on 20 January by the ILO and the French Ministry of Work, Employment and Social Dialogue, aimed at stimulating debate on the employment dimension of global supply chains to inform the 2016 ILC discussion on that topic, as well as the preparations for the ILO's centenary in 2019. High on the agenda for the experts, social partners and policy makers in attendance was the exploration of how the development of global supply chains affects employment in developed and emerging economies.
IOE Deputy Secretary-General Roberto Suárez Santos was invited to join ILO Director-General Guy Ryder, among others, on the panel charged with exploring the role of public policy.
In his remarks, Mr Suárez Santos underlined that global supply chains were not, per se, problematic and should be supported with the right conditions in order to unleash their potential as drivers of change: creating jobs, lifting skills and education levels, fostering innovation and competitiveness. Such conditions included robust public institutions;
stable and flexible regulatory frameworks; access to financing, as well as government policy to promote the transition to the formal sector.
Mr Suárez cited the growing number of workers linked in one way or another to international trade, either through import/export or because of their involvement in supply networks. This trend, he said, signaled the transformation of the world of work into one where many traditional frameworks governing employment were no longer fit for purpose. He noted further that compliance and respect for fundamental principles and rights at work concerned all companies and employees, not just those engaged in global operations involving a network of suppliers.

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In his conclusion, Mr Suárez called for close cooperation between business, international organisations and local actors in implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to address the universal issues that affect employers and workers serving domestic as well as international markets.

For further information on the contribution of Roberto Suárez Santos to the International Conference on New Modes of Production at the Global Level, please contact suarezsantos@ioe-emp.org

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