YorkTest notes 225% increase in demand for its Food Sensitivity Tests with three new health trends

LONDON, Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YorkTest, a leading home health testing company, is announcing its official expansion into the US market, providing greater access to the company’s signature remote Food Sensitivity Tests. The 39-year-old company recently tested the US market before officially launching, where they noted the demand for its food sensitivity tests increased by 225 percent. The expansion and spike in demand coincides with three shifting health trends including an increasing need for remote healthcare, rising gut health issues, and a desire from Americans to take control over their own health.

“Recent insights show remote healthcare is set to continue during 2021 with many people wanting to use technology or services, like our food intolerance test, to monitor their health from the comfort of their own home,” said Dr. Gill Hart, leading biochemist and YorkTest’s scientific director. “As a leader in home health testing, we’re best poised to help Americans take control of their own health.”

Are We Heading Towards a Gut Health Crisis?

This year has seen Americans overindulge more than ever before with 47 percent of women and 22 percent of men reportedly putting on weight during lockdown[1]. Comfort eating levels in the US have also peaked with 70 percent of respondents citing stress eating during the pandemic as the leading cause of their weight gain[2]. In line with the rise in indulgent eating, YorkTest has reported that demand has doubled[3] for its food sensitivity tests as gut health issues increase.

Experts at YorkTest expect this demand to continue as we seek solace in food and cooking beyond the holidays, but are warning that without learning more about the foods we eat, we could well be heading towards a gut health crisis in the new year.

“Due to the uncertainties this year has brought, many people have turned to food for comfort and as a means of coping with difficult emotions so we are expecting symptoms of food intolerances to increase over the holidays and orders of our food intolerance home health tests to continue to rise significantly,” shares Dr. Hart who has also shared her top signs to look for.

YorkTest’s Food Sensitivity Tests - How it Works

YorkTest’s current food sensitivity or intolerance test first launched 22-years-ago, becoming the UK industry leader. Their kits work by testing for food specific immunoglobulin G (IgGs), a type of antibody found in blood that is raised when someone has a reaction to something, and can measure sensitivities caused by more than 200 food and drink ingredients. Food sensitivities are different to food allergies (IgE antibodies), which are not tested. The company boasts of four key quality assurance measures including a greater than 98 percent reproducibility rate - a high rate that proves its accuracy.

“We test for intolerances to over 200 food and drink ingredients. Some of the most common intolerances are to wheat, dairy, seafood, gluten and nuts but other unsuspecting foods such as lentils, fruits vegetables, meats and wine grapes can be equally impactful. Warning signs include fatigue, migraines and skin problems, so it is worth taking note if any of these are happening to you,” said Dr. Hart.

Users can order their test online, provide a small blood sample (FDA Registered kit) and follow directions to ship back to YorkTest’s labs to be tested. Users will receive their results electronically and a follow up call from a Nutritional Therapist is available. To learn more about YorkTest’s Food Sensitivity Tests, visit www.yorktest.com/US

About YorkTest

YorkTest is one of the UK’s market leaders in Home Health Testing, best known for their food sensitivity and intolerance tests which are backed by 38 years of scientific research. The home testing kits are easy to use and simply require a finger prick blood sample which is sent securely back to the YorkTest laboratory. Testers will receive their results electronically and a follow up call from a Nutritional Therapist is available to discuss their results and improvements for their diet.

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[1] WebMD (2020). WebMD Poll Reports Weight Gain During Shutdown. Accessed December 2020. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200518/webmd-poll-many-report-weight-gain-during-shutdown
[2] WebMD (2020). WebMD Poll Reports Weight Gain During Shutdown. Accessed December 2020 https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200518/webmd-poll-many-report-weight-gain-during-shutdown
[3] YorkTest (2020). When comparing April – November 2020 to April – November 2021
[4] MSN.com (2020). 2021 Healthy Eating Will Be All About Reconnecting with Our Bodies and Values. Accessed December 2020. https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/in-2021-healthy-eating-will-be-all-about-reconnecting-with-our-bodies-and-our-values/ar-BB1bK5Ir
[5] Forbes (2020). The 5 Biggest Healthcare Trends in 2021. Accessed December 2020. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2020/11/23/the-5-biggest-healthcare-trends-in-2021-everyone-should-be-ready-for-today/?sh=18bc5c6121c0