GEORGE TOWN, CAYMAN ISLANDS, Nov. 07, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (via Blockchain Wire) Hercules is here to stay. And make a difference. This is the message Hercules SEZC solidified today by joining forces with IDAX. This ideal pairing follows last week’s launch of Hercules’ supply chain management software. Hercules’ October 29th entrance on the blockchain made its HERC tokens -- which are used to access the Hercules software to record and validate supply chain data while powering the decentralized platform -- available for public purchase. By listing on IDAX, a global decentralized blockchain asset exchange, Hercules doubles down on its mission to provide secure, predictable and cost-efficient services to the masses.

Hercules Protocol is far from new to the blockchain scene. Eighteen months of pre-launch testing ensured the first commercially viable blockchain protocol to leverage Bitcoin, Ethereum and other public blockchain would meet its goals of lower volatility through layering and least cost routing techniques.

The idea behind Hercules Protocol was born during CEO Anthem Hayek Blanchard’s search for solutions to supply chain inefficiencies in the metal vaulting business. “We realized there was no comprehensive supply chain optimization solution that could facilitate standardization of data between parties.” Hercules software is fully open source. A tailor-made protocol for supply chains, Hercules improves transparency, security, authenticity and validity of supply chain data.

Hercules’ mission to lead the development of open source, supply chain software is personal for Blanchard, whose father, legendary precious metals pioneer James U. Blanchard III, helped restore the right of Americans to own gold. Now, the family legacy is being carried forth through the blockchain. Blanchard says, “The generational experience of being at the forefront of advocating for smarter and more innovative ways to maximize and preserve wealth has definitely been advantageous.”

Hercules Protocol uses digital identification for companies onboarding new vendors and partners, making the process simpler, faster and more cost-effective. Another advantage is a drastic cost reduction of data storage. Hercules’ platform protects sensitive data, making a wide range of self-executing contracts possible. “Our decision to collaborate and partner with other blockchain organizations, such as Factom and Storj, to push the innovation frontiers in the blockchain space is what truly makes Hercules transformational,” Blanchard says. “Ultimately, we’ve launched a commercial supply chain software that could help eradicate racketeering and market collusion.”

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JR Gunter/Operations Manager Hercules, SEZC
Phone: (918) 330-3108

Josh Gunter
Operations Manager
Hercules, HEZC
(918) 330-3108

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