Today, HealthSparq, a company committed to helping people make smarter health care decisions, has been awarded National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Health Information Products - Physician and Hospital Directories (HIP4) Certification.

HIP4 certification reflects the rigorous and comprehensive independent review by NCQA, demonstrating the ability of a company to provide information in an intuitive and transparent manner to help eligible individuals choose physicians and hospitals. This certification is a part of HealthSparq’s commitment to a people-first system, ensuring that health care works for people, not against them.

“Earning NCQA’s Health Information Products Certification demonstrates that an organization has expertise in gathering and disseminating health care information for health plan members,” said Kathleen C. Mudd, Vice President, Product Delivery at NCQA. “HealthSparq is to be commended for being one of the few organizations in the nation to be reviewed for these services.”

“This achievement is a testament to the hard work of our employees who strive to ensure people have the critical information they need in order to make the best health care decisions for themselves and their families,” said Mark Menton, interim CEO at HealthSparq. “We are proud to be working toward a more streamlined health care system and putting people first in all that we do.”

NCQA certification is a nationally recognized evaluation that purchasers, regulators and consumers can use to assess health plans and health plan vendors.

For more information about NCQA please visit at

About HealthSparq

HealthSparq empowers people to make smarter health care choices by providing the cost and quality information they need to truly compare health providers and services. By enabling people to see the total costs of care for more than 400 medical treatments based on their individual health plan, comparison shop for procedures and providers, review quality ratings, learn about alternative care options, schedule appointments or buy health care services online, HealthSparq is helping people navigate the health care system as they never have before.

HealthSparq is part of the Cambia Health Solutions family of companies and is located in Portland, Oregon, and has grown to serve 71 health plans and their 74 million members nationwide. Interested in joining a health care revolution? Contact us at or tweet us @HealthSparq.

About NCQA

NCQA is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to improving health care quality. NCQA accredits and certifies a wide range of health care organizations. It also recognizes clinicians and practices in key areas of performance. NCQA is committed to providing health care quality information for consumers, purchasers, health care providers and researchers.