January 8, 2015 - Red Lake, Ontario - Industry Canada/FedNor

The Honourable Greg Rickford, Canada's Minister of Natural Resources and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), today announced an investment to help Red Lake diversify and strengthen the regional economy.

An investment of $84,008 will enable the Municipality of Red Lake to support two tourism-related initiatives. Of the total, $45,000 will be used to conduct an engineering study for the development of a multi-community trail network that would link Balmertown, Red Lake, Cochenour, Madsen and Starrat Olsen. The remaining $39,008 will assist the city to upgrade its community docks which serve as a focal point for community and angling events that draw visitors to the area.

Quick Facts
  • According to Statistics Canada, tourism represents approximately $2 billion in revenue for Northern Ontario, with nature-based tourism and angling attracting most of the visitors to the region.
  • The funding announced today is provided through FedNor's Northern Ontario Development Program, which supports projects that promote sustainable community economic development, enhance business development and growth, and facilitate innovation throughout the region.
  • Since 2006, through FedNor's Northern Ontario Development Program, the Harper Government has invested $329 million in support of more than 1,600 projects. These investments have supported more than 21,500 jobs throughout Northern Ontario.

"Our Government is committed to supporting the development and growth of the tourism industry in Northern Ontario through strategic investments in infrastructure and enhanced decision making. Today's announcement will assist the Municipality of Red Lake in its efforts to maintain and grow key waterfront-based events, as well as explore the viability of a multi-community trail network that would benefit area residents and businesses."

- The Honourable Greg Rickford
Canada's Minister of Natural Resources and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario

"We are excited about the planned improvements to our docks that will help us boost the number of visitors at our community events while the trails engineering study will enable us to move forward with our strategic plan in an effort to promote a cohesive community."

- Phil Vinet
Mayor, Municipality of Red Lake Associated Links
  • To find out more about our programs and services, please visit: fednor.gc.ca and follow us on Twitter @FedNor.

Alexandra Lemieux
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Greg Rickford

Peter Williams
Senior Communications Officer
705-690-0874 or 1-877-333-6673 Ext 308

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