Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "3D Printing: Applications, Players & Market Outlook" report to their offering.

This report describes the segmentation of the 3D printing (3DP) industry based upon technology and applications in different verticals.

It presents the 3D printing ecosystem through an analysis of the value chain positioning and strategies of major players concerned, in terms of product and service offering, vertical reach and value chain integration. The various business models that apply to each type of player are also analysed.

It introduces the market value of 3D printing industry, also describing the main drivers and barriers for the 3D printing market to take off. On this basis, it provides forecasts for both industrial and enterprise, and consumer, 3D printing markets.

Slideshow Contents:

  • Scope and main concept
  • Technologies and materials
  • Main applications
  • Value chain and player strategies
  • Value chain and player strategies: software, material
  • Value chain and player strategies: manufacturer
  • Value chain and player strategies: marketplaces, service platforms
  • Market estimation
  • Market drivers
  • Market barriers
  • Trends
  • Annex 1: Main technologies and materials
  • Annex 2: Main applications

Companies Mentioned Include:

  • 3D GBIRE
  • 3D Hubs
  • 3D Manufacturing Format (3MF) Consortium
  • 3D Systems
  • 3DLT
  • 3T RPD
  • Adidas
  • Adobe
  • Alibre
  • Amazon
  • Arcam
  • ASTM International
  • Authentise
  • Autodesk
  • Best Buy
  • BIOMED Research Institute
  • BMW
  • Carbon3D
  • MakerBot
  • Makershop
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Matrix 3D Scanner
  • MAXON Computer GmbH
  • Shapeways
  • Sharebot
  • Sketchfab
  • SLM Solutions
  • SolidWorks
  • St. Thomas' Hospital
  • Zortrax

Report Structure:

1. Executive Summary

2. Methodology & definitions

3. 3D printing and applications

4. Value chain and player strategies

5. Market analysis

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