MILAN/LONDON, March 3 (Reuters) - German government bond yields steadied after rising on Thursday as markets again upgraded their forecasts for interest rate hikes by the European Central Bank.

Money markets raised their ECB interest rate bets, pricing in a 30-basis-point (bps) rise by year end, up from 20 bps expected a day earlier, as more investors anticipated that the ECB will have to step in to tame inflation.

On Wednesday, Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel said the ECB should keep its focus on normalising monetary policy, adding that German inflation is likely to be higher this year than a recently raised forecast.

Germany’s 10-year government bond yield, the benchmark of the bloc, rose 0.077%, before flattening at 0.014% by 1630 GMT, still up from a six-week low touched in the previous day.

Earlier this week, German yields had fell by their most since July 2011 after markets downgraded their ECB rate hikes bets.

“Yield moves are currently a function of what's happening in Ukraine and how the central bank will react," said Rohan Khanna, fixed income strategist at UBS.

Khanna added that Tuesday’s sharp fall in yields was caused by investors having to reassess and cover their positions in the face of the geopolitical backdrop and its implications for economic growth.

In the meantime, ECB chief economist Philip Lane said on Wednesday Europe's central bank should tolerate the current spike in inflation, driven by a "shock" in the supply of energy and other goods.

Germany's inflation-linked rates rose 4 bps to -2.133%, after hitting a record low on Wednesday at -2.239%.

The Italian 10-year yield was little changed at 1.5860%, after hitting its lowest in one month on Tuesday. The spread between Italian and German 10-year yields widened to 156.7 bps.

(Reporting by Stefano Rebaudo and Joice Alves, editing by Jonathan Oatis and Mark Heinrich)