The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity, a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the understanding, acceptance, and implementation of Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs to benefit all Americans today announced that it launched a public service announcement campaign.

The campaign conveys a powerful message about how UBI can help reverse the effects of the severe economic downturn of 2020 wrought by the pandemic at a time when Congress is considering cash payments and other stimulus initiatives proposed by the Biden administration. The campaign’s public service announcement video will appear online for a period of six weeks in January and February on WSJ, CNN, BuzzFeed, Meredith, Condé Nast, Vice, Complex, Bustle, Imgur, iHeart Media, Verizon Media, Viacom, and Influencer Network posts on Instagram and Twitter.

The public service announcement is also the subject of a Facebook targeted ad campaign and an ongoing Google ad campaign made available on a no-charge basis to non-profit organizations. Its purpose is to educate and incentivize viewers to sign a petition to Congress asking for the implementation of UBI.

In partnership with Income Movement, the Fund for Humanity is also undertaking an aggressive social media campaign.

Dr. Gisèle Huff, president of the Fund, stated: “When I founded the Fund in February 2019 in memory of my late son, I sought a role for it that filled a vacuum in the field.” The concept for a UBI was formulated at the time of our nation’s founding by Thomas Paine and has since been espoused by both Milton Friedman and Martin Luther King, Jr. My due diligence revealed that, other than media coverage of Andrew Yang’s 2020 presidential campaign and of the activities of UBI advocacy organizations, there was no sustained effort, at scale to promote its widespread adoption.”

Huff resolved to take up the slack and has since invested in the launch of the news outlet Basic Income Today edited by the internationally-recognized UBI expert Scott Santens who asserted that, "The concept of unconditional basic income has been important for centuries, but going forward post-2020, UBI has become an absolute necessity. There is nothing more important than building our future together upon a stable financial floor for all American families.” Huff and the Fund for Humanity were also instrumental in the development and 2020 launch of Santa Clara County California’s first-in-nation UBI program for young adults transitioning out of foster care.

Former Democratic Party Presidential candidate and current New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang had this to say about the effort to make UBI a reality: “There is nothing stopping us as Americans from issuing ourselves a dividend as citizen shareholders of the United States. The only thing that has ever stopped us is a scarcity of will, not a lack of abundance. May we together find the will soon to end American poverty forever."

About The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity:

The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity is a Section 501(c)3 non-profit organization that was created in 2019 to promulgate the vision of the late Gerald Huff, an ardent proponent of Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a transitional solution to the existential threat of technological unemployment. Through various programs and initiatives, the Fund supports UBI by collaborating with education and advocacy programs and individuals to further its understanding, acceptance, and implementation to benefit all Americans. Among the Fund's current initiatives are Basic Income Today, an online information and community site dedicated to providing news and information and furthering the discussion and debate about UBI. On Twitter @FundforHumanity.