2013 marked the third straight year in which GTreasury was able to achieve year-over-year, record setting growth in terms of both revenues as well as new client adoption. Over this period of time, GTreasury has transformed from "a treasury solution provider" into the position of market leader. In 2013, GTreasury was independently ranked as the #1 cash and liquidity management solution in the industry. This is a ranking GTreasury is very proud to have attained, and is a testament to the solution's comprehensive capabilities and the loyalty of the client base. Some 2013 adopters of GTreasury's solutions include; H.H. Brown, Hexcel Corporation, Gypsum Management & Supply, Inc., Canadian Scholarship Trust Consultants, Inc., Xtreme Coil Drilling Corporation, Richardson Electronics, and KKR Asset Management LLC. Many of GTreasury's new clients in 2013 were not necessarily new to treasury technology. In fact, many were migrations from previous tools or had used other systems with previous employers.

2013 also marked a year of rebranding for GTreasury. GTreasury has been providing treasury solutions since 1986, however many practitioners recognized it as Gateway or WebCash. 2013 marked the year of consolidation under a single GTreasury "Illuminating Liquidity" brand. Warren Davey, Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales at GTreasury, states, "We just felt that after 27 years and so many different names, it was essential to clarify the brand and the power of our offering".

As a cloud based system, it's imperative that system technology evolve quickly to lead the treasury industry through change. Some of GTreasury's more notable enhancements in 2013 focused on pioneering solutions for bank account management, treasury regulations and compliance including; SEPA, ISO, OFAC, and PCI, along with enhancing the system's already award winning payment functionality. In conjunction, GTreasury also devoted time to augmenting the user experience by focusing development on the system's core worksheets, reporting and dashboards, as well as the overall user interface.

Orazio Pater, founder and COO of GTreasury explains; "We owe our success in the space to the clients who use and promote our products and services. We will continue to listen to our clients and enhance solutions for them knowing full well other treasuries will benefit from our advancements." Mr. Pater reaffirms that controlled growth remains a focus for GTreasury, so product and service based strategies outweigh sales initiatives. "Focusing on user groups, support tools, client retention, thought leadership, user experiences and the like will inevitably grant us market awareness. We always have and always will view our clients as strategic partners".

The strategy has proven to work as GTreasury continues to swallow up market share and is firmly cemented as the market's leading liquidity solution.

About GTreasury

Whether your treasury prefers a true SaaS solution or your requirements warrant an installed solution with web access, GTreasury is the one and only system you will ever need.

GTreasury's modular system offers users a full suite of solutions that shed light into an organization's cash and liquidity, manage exposures and risk, and automates and streamlines all repetitive treasury processes. GTreasury's world class worksheets, system flexibility, and ease of use quickly accommodate our customers' needs of today while preparing them for the changes of tomorrow.

Having serviced the treasury industry since 1986, GTreasury's technology and services have matured to greater breadths and depths than any other liquidity management system. With all development and resources focused entirely on only one application, GTreasury is able to help any treasury operation illuminate its liquidity.

For more information, visit www.GTreasury.com

G Treasury SS, LLC
Ashley Pater, (847) 847-3706