Western Australian grain growers intending to apply clay to paddocks in coming months can access the latest information about claying techniques from an online resource.

The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Claying to ameliorate non-wetting soils Hot Topic is available at www.grdc.com.au/HT-ClayingToAmeliorateNonWettingSoils.

It provides links to detailed information about the main claying options of spreading, delving and inverting, as well as other options for treating non-wetting soils.

Contact details for key WA researchers and links to other useful resources are also available.

Water repellence influences more than five million hectares of western and southern Australian soils.

All claying techniques ameliorate the soil by increasing the clay content in the topsoil and the effect generally lasts for about 10 years.

The GRDC's investment in non-wetting soils research is part of the major collaborative research effort Soils Constraints - West which aims to develop and deliver solutions for a range of soil constraints limiting productive grain cropping in WA.

The GRDC, DAFWA, CSIRO and Murdoch University are funding the research.



Natalie Lee, Cox Inall Communications
08 9864 2034, 0427 189 827

GRDC Project Code SDI00013, DAW00204

Region West

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