For Immediate Release
GUELPH, ON (January 16, 2014) - Grain Farmers of Ontario is proud to announce a second headline speaker on the March Classic agenda - international environmentalist and author Mark Lynas.
Lynas is an award-winning author of several books, including Six Degrees: Our future on a

hotter planet and is a regular speaker on climate change, biotechnology and nuclear power. Six

Degrees was long-listed for the Orwell Prize and won the Royal Society Prize for Science Books in 2008. The book was made into a movie titled Six Degrees Could Change the World voiced by

Alec Baldwin and premiered on the National Geographic channel.
Lynas will be speaking at the March Classic on March 24th about the importance of science and technology for a sustainable future. Lynas is heavily involved in scientific and academic groups around the world, and is a Visiting Research Associate at Oxford University's School of Geography and the Environment, a member of the advisory board of the science advocacy group Sense About Science, and a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies. Lynas was appointed advisor on climate change to the President of the Maldives and was involved in the country's effort to be the first carbon neutral country on Earth by 2020.
"We are honored to host Mark Lynas at our 2014 conference," says Barry Senft, CEO, Grain Farmers of Ontario. "His experience with international environment and technology groups and his compelling perspective on the future will provide "food for thought" for our agricultural audience."
Registration is now available for the March Classic. To make registration for this highly anticipated event even easier, PayPal is now available for those wishing to complete payment before the March 24th event. Pre-registration is available until March 14th, and those who register before January 31st will be entered into an early-bird draw for a $25 gas gift card. For more information and to register, visit

Grain Farmers of Ontario

Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) is the province's newest and largest commodity organization,
representing Ontario's 28,000 corn, soybean and wheat farmers. The crops they grow cover 5 million acres of farm land across the province, generate over $2.5 billion in farm gate receipts,
result in over $9 billion in economic output and are responsible for over 40,000 jobs in the province.
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Meghan Burke, Communications, 519 767-2773,
John Cowan, Vice President, Strategic Development - 519 993-7692;
Grain Farmers of Ontario
100 Stone Road West, Suite 201 Guelph, ON N1G 5L3
Tel: 1-800-265-0550 Fax: 519-767-9713

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