ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Jan. 17, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- True Life Chiropractic announced that the practice has successfully treated patients for acute and chronic pain by following a full body approach to care. The practice’s full body approach encompasses a patient’s neurological chain, Kinetic  chain and visceral chain. Chiropractor Dr. Michael Michaud says that this approach delivers superior pain relief results because it targets the root cause for a patient’s pain and discomfort for long-lasting pain relief. Dr. Michaud follows a whole body approach for treating back pain, neck pain, knee pain, headaches/migraines and other pain conditions.

A full body approach to pain management delivers optimal results, reports Anchorage chiropractor Dr. Michael Michaud. The chiropractor is experienced in the treatment of herniated discs, bulging discs, spinal pressure, sciatica pain, repetitive stress injuries, car accident injuries and sports injuries. “When a patient has a sore knee, for example, whole body care will not only relieve this soreness, but also address surrounding issues that may be contributing to the patient’s pain,” said Dr. Michaud. “For example, straightening the back will place less pressure on the knee, thereby alleviating stress. By identifying and correcting the root issue for a patient’s pain, we support whole body health from within.”

Dr. Michaud’s approach to chiropractic care includes a full evaluation and treatment of the neurological chain (brain, spinal cord, spine), the Kinetic chain, and the visceral chain. “Each of these three chains work together to support a patient’s whole body health from within,” said Dr. Michaud. “The Kinetic chain, for example, refers to how the arms, shoulders, hips and legs work together. We evaluate the biomechanics of extremities and ensure they are not off balance. An imbalance in these biomechanics can affect the mind-body balance.”

Following a full body approach to chiropractic care may help patients heal faster after injury and better manage or relieve pain than conventional medicine. Conventional medicine focuses on treating pain symptoms, rather than the source of pain, cautions Dr. Michaud. Drugs work by masking a patient’s pain symptoms. When the drugs wear off, the pain can return. The Anchorage chiropractor cautions that the focus on symptom management can lead to a cycle of dependency on prescription pain medication. “Symptom management provides temporary relief, but it is not a long-term solution,” said Dr. Michaud. “A full body approach to care delivers long-lasting pain relief. At True Life Chiropractic, we witness every day the difference that full body care makes for our patients. They are empowered to live a more active life.”

True Life Chiropractic has been voted one of the top Anchorage, AK chiropractic practices according to The practice provides whole body chiropractic care for patients with repetitive stress injuries, work injures, care accident injuries, sports injuries, neck pain and back pain. For more information on chiropractic treatment, call 907-646-2225 or visit

True Life Chiropractic, 907-646-2225