To help shippers avoid extra fees and charges due to the “linear foot rule,” FreightorGator, a Kansas City-based less-than-truckload (LTL) freight exchange, has released a free linear footage calculator tool on the company’s website. The calculator joins the growing list of other resources FreightorGator offers on its online exchange to help streamline the complex transportation industry.

The linear footage calculator is designed to make it easy for shippers to determine whether or not a shipment fits within carrier’s pre-determined parameters for size, shape and weight to avoid costly penalties. The simple tool instructs users to enter the shipment’s dimensions and identify if it is turnable or stackable. FreightorGator will then calculate the shipment’s linear feet and create a diagram displaying the best way to pack the truck, which provides shippers with more information when comparing and booking LTL freight.

“Part of the complexity in the shipping industry is that many LTL shippers do not know exactly what to look for in order to get the best freight quote, which is why many face excess charges for regulations like the linear foot rule,” said Augie Grasis, CEO and founder of FreightorGator. “We’re excited to introduce the linear footage calculator to our service offerings to help our customers make the most informed shipping decisions and ultimately have a better shipping experience.”

The linear footage calculator joins a host of other free tools on FreightorGator’s website, including the freight class and density calculator, the carrier collectional and carrier reviews. All tools have been created to provide transparency and simplicity into the shipping process for the atypical, low-volume LTL shipping market that has been largely neglected by the industry until now.

“Our team had to create these tools for our online exchange to work the way it does. In doing so, we had the idea to make these tools available to anyone who comes to to further our mission of simplifying the LTL industry,” added Grasis.

Throughout the remainder of the year, FreightorGator has plans to add additional free resources for shippers and carriers on its online exchange. Future tools include API (application programming interface) connections to existing tools for remote carrier access, a zip code data base housing every zip code in the U.S. and its correlating city and state, and Google Maps integration to predict how carriers will classify addresses as either residential or commercial when calculating charges.

For more information about FreightorGator, visit

About FreightorGator:

FreightorGator is a one-stop online freight exchange that connects less-than-truckload (LTL) shippers with carriers by providing real-time, transparent quotes from top-rated carriers. FreightorGator was founded by Augie Grasis, an established entrepreneur known for industry-changing ideas and orchestrating technology powered shifts in a variety of markets. For more information, visit