Frazier Healthcare Partners announced Bruce Roth, Ph.D., has joined the Frazier Life Sciences team as a Senior Advisor. He has over 35 years of pharma and biopharmaceutical experience.

Dr. Roth was previously Senior Vice President, Small Molecule Drug Discovery and co-leader of Research for Genentech Research and Early Development (gRED). Prior to Genentech, he served as Vice President of Chemistry at the Pfizer Global Research and Development, Ann Arbor Laboratories.

Dr. Roth is the inventor of Lipitor®, for which he has received numerous awards, including the 2003 American Chemical Society Award for Creative Invention, the 2015 National Academy of Sciences Award for Chemistry in Service of Society, and the 2013 Perkin Medal, which is the highest award given to industrial chemists in the United States. Dr. Roth has also been named one of the American Chemical Society Heroes in Chemistry and has been inducted into the Hall of Fame of the American Chemical Society Medicinal Chemistry Division.

“We are thrilled to have Bruce join us,” said Patrick Heron, Managing General Partner on the Frazier Life Sciences team. “He has a wealth of chemistry and drug development experience, and he will further strengthen our accomplished team.”

About Frazier Healthcare Partners

Founded in 1991, Frazier Healthcare Partners is a leading provider of growth and venture capital to healthcare companies. With nearly $4.2 billion total capital raised, Frazier has invested in over 200 companies, with investment types ranging from company creation and venture capital to buyouts of profitable lower-middle market companies. The firm’s Growth Buyout team invests in healthcare and pharmaceutical services, medical products and related sectors. The Life Sciences team invests in therapeutics and related areas that are addressing unmet medical needs through innovation. Frazier has offices in Seattle, WA and Menlo Park, CA, and invests broadly across the US, Canada, and Europe.

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