NEWS RELEASEfinancial group) inc.


3106 N. Rockton Ave. Rockford , Illinois 6 11 03
FOR I MMEDIATE RELEASE: January 29, 2014
CONTACT: Brent Myers

President & CEO or

(815) 865-5125

Dean Cooke

Chief Financial Officer
(815) 847-7500

Foresight Financial Group, !ne. - a Rockford, Illinois-based holding company operating five local community banks with thirteen banking offices in Winnebago, Stephenson, and Kankakee counties - is announcing that effective today, the Board of Directors has promoted Brent Myers, previousl y Executive Vice President, to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer. Myers succeeds Stephen Gaddis, who has served as chief executive and a member of the Board of Directors since 1993. In conjunction with this action, Myers and the Board have named Gaddis as a V ice President of the company and continuing member of the Board in order to assist Myers with an orderly transition of duties during cal endar yea r


Myers is a career community banking executive with over 30 years of industry experience, nearl y half of which has been with the Foresight Group. Myers has served as President of two of the Foresight Banks since starting with the compa n y in 2000, and as Executi ve V ice President of the holding company since

20 l O. Originally from Adeli ne, Illinois, Myers attended Leaf Ri ver High School and holds a degree in

Agricultural Economics from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Known for his commitment to customers as a trusted business advisor, Myers has been one of the dri ving forces responsible for the growth of Foresight from just under $300 mil lion i n assets in 2000 to nearl y $900 million today.

"This is a great opportunity forme to continue and complete m y communi ty banking career at the top leve! of a first-cl ass l ocal comm unity ba nking organization whi le serv ing customers in the areas l have called home during m y entire career," said Presi dent Myers. The company i s well posi tioned for future success, having just completed a record earnings year in 201 3 under the leadersh ip group of excellent communi ty bankers throughout the company and its banks. l am excited to continue working w ith these superior professional s to further and better serve our communities and customers in northem Illinois and beyond."

Past President Stephen Gaddis stated, "The Board has made an excellent choice in sel ecting Brent Myers as my s uccessor. In his already-significa nt tenure with the company, his tremendous dedication and talents h ave become wel l known to us, and he fully understands the unique business culture of the company with its group of i ndependent banks. The Foresight Bank Group is known for its brand of comm itment to customers, communities, employees, and shareholders, something that is a key to continue moving forward in a stili chal l enging economie and regulatory climate. l am confident this will continue under Brent's leadership. l am pleased to be able to remain with the company in a reduced role in support ofBrent and his execu tive team. lt is trul y a grati fying way for me to wind down from a 42-year career in community banking."

Foresight continues to hold the largest market share of deposits of a ny financial institution operating in

Stephenson County. Foresight's community banks include Northwest Bank of Rockford, State Bank in

Freeport, State Bank ofDavis, German-American State Bank, German Val l ey, a nd Lena State Bank. Foresight 's common stock is listed on the OTC Bulletin Board under the trading sy m bol FGFH. Cl osing price for the common stock was $19.00 per share at the close of business January, 28, 2014.


3l 06 JV Rockton Ave. Roclgòrd, IL 61103-2839

Pilone: 815.847.7500

}àx: 815.967.6107

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