FollowAnalytics, the Enterprise Mobile Success company, today announced the unveiling of their new Mobile Optimization Suite which will rapidly escalate conversion rates, by self optimizing campaigns. In addition, FollowAnalytics has enhanced its already award-winning engagement tools by adding custom messaging templates that allow marketers to create beautifully branded, rich, immersive mobile experiences.

The FollowAnalytics Mobile Optimization Suite

Understanding the significance that testing plays in digital marketing, and the complexity that multivariate testing can introduce, FollowAnalytics’ new Mobile Optimization Suite leverages machine learning, and in-app and push messaging to allow marketing teams to send the most effective mobile communications possible to their audiences to increase mobile engagement.

The suite includes:

  • Smart A/B Testing: We automatically select the sample size to be sure you’re getting the most statistically significant results in the fastest amount of time through easy-to-manage multivariate testing;
  • Segment-Based Optimization: In traditional A/B testing, whichever content wins the test is sent to the entire audience. In other words, if message A wins with a 51% lead, it still goes to everyone, leaving the other 49% with suboptimal content. But in order to test all your variants against possible segments, you would need a team of data scientists. We automatically test against each of your segments providing the best possible message to each user;
  • Message Classification: Label content and learn what styles and tones best appeal to and convert each segment;
  • Optimize AI: Over time the more tests you run, the more data our Optimize AI gathers, allowing it to predict outcomes and automatically assign content variants to your segments. The system gets smarter and smarter as your conversion rates go higher and higher.

Enhanced Mobile Engagement Tools

FollowAnalytics has enriched their already award-winning message building tools by allowing marketers to cultivate rich immersive experiences with greater flexibility in terms of the style and content sent. Enhancements include:

  • Rich Push and In-App Messaging: Our highly intuitive message builder uses a wizard-like interface that helps you create in-app messages that look like native content. Go beyond text by embedding rich media such as photos and video;
  • Comprehensive Template Library: Choose from a wide range of templates that include pop-ups, banners, native alerts or custom formats;
  • Custom Templates: Build a library of in-app message templates that match your brand identity using your own custom HTML5. Have full control over the layout, not just the format and positioning to fully match native content.

“Industries such as finance, retail, banking and travel are now sending push notifications to millions of app users through their mobile devices. Marketers need an intelligent product that allows them to run multiple testing campaigns simultaneously, guaranteeing the right message goes to the right user at the right time,” said Samir Addamine, Founder and Chairman, FollowAnalytics. “FollowAnalytics is proud to introduce machine learning to automate the process, and we will continue to find ways to innovate and improve mobile engagement for enterprise marketers, going forward.”

Global insurance giant, BNP Paribas Cardif uses FollowAnalytics to power H@bitat, their in-home sensor that communicates with homeowners to improve safety and ultimately reduce claims. “FollowAnalytics’ deep understanding of enterprise mobile marketing has made them the perfect partner to drive our mobile strategy,” said Gregory Desfosses, Chief Customer Experience & Digital Officer for BNP Paribas Cardif. “Groundbreaking product innovations that leverage AI and machine learning, such as this, coupled with their years of experience partnering with multinational companies like us, positions them to help secure our market leadership into the future.”

For a complete overview of the FollowAnalytics Enterprise Mobile Success Platform, please see To see the new features in action, watch our on-demand webinar, The Self Driving Campaign: The Future of Machine Learning and Mobile Marketing, via this link:

About FollowAnalytics

FollowAnalytics is an enterprise-class mobile marketing platform that makes it easy for marketers to boost engagement through their mobile apps by creating personalized customer journeys. Trusted by brands like Michelin, Wells Fargo, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Allianz, AXA and BNP Paribas, FollowAnalytics is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in New York, Montréal and Paris. Investors include Salesforce Ventures, Aspect Ventures, Zetta Venture Partners, Sapphire Ventures and Cathay Innovation.