The war on hunger has gained a powerful ally. A new organization, Feed a Billion ( has recently emerged with a bold agenda to provide 1 billion meals for the world’s hungry by November of 2020.

Feed a Billion (FAB) was launched in May 2016 by serial entrepreneur Dr. Ambuj Jain as a way to apply the principles of business and social media to the problem of world hunger in an effective, scalable and measurable way.

Unlike philanthropic initiatives whose primary goals are awareness, or that struggle to raise sufficient money to make a sizeable impact, FAB is pioneering a new model to leverage existing resources, partnerships and the power of matching sponsors to bring the cost of contributed meals down to $0.10 apiece.

Additionally, through a partnership with competitive kindness platform xocial, the company is using Facebook gamification to acknowledge and reward the participation of social influencers, companies and individuals who are willing to participate by sharing the news, allowing them to also contribute in additional and alternative ways beyond monetary contribution.

The program incorporates food distribution partners who leverage excess food resources and distribution channels for delivery, in order to achieve maximum scalability and results.

“There are currently 785 million people in the world with insufficient food to support a healthy life,” said Jain. “Forty-two million are within the U.S. We want to make a significant impact on this problem, and by doing so, to pioneer newer and more effective ways for all of us to maximize our ability to achieve philanthropic goals.”

"Charitable giving, so long as the intent is authentic and companies follow best practice in their giving-back activities, is good for business as well," notes Jason Sisneros, a serial entrepreneur and author who serves as Strategic Advisor for FAB.

In FAB’s first implementation at the end of 2016, startup company LiveBearded initiated a FAB campaign in support of Movember (No Shave November). With just a 28% increase in promotion, the company achieved a 121% increase in sales.

LiveBearded was able to contribute 55,000 meals for FAB with just a $5,000 portion of the additional revenue the campaign had created.

Additionally, thanks to a matching funds sponsorship from Tony Robbins, world renowned strategist for success (whose training contributed to the genesis of the program), the 30-day campaign for will produce a total of 110,000 meals, as well as a notable lift in customer engagement, in addition to its dramatic increase in sales. Founders Spencer Bryce and Anthony Mink were also pleased to note that the uplift in revenue from their FAB initiative continued in December and January as well, even after the campaign period was done.

For more information about corporate sponsorships, donations of service or social media participation in Feed a Billion, readers can email

About Feed a Billion

Feed a Billion (FAB) is a 501(c)(3) organization was launched in 2016 by Dr. Ambuj Jain. The FAB organization and partners are using principles of business, social media and partnership leverage to create a new model for philanthropy. FAB is using its model to accomplish the massive challenge of providing 1 billion meals to the world’s hungry by November 2020. As of January 2017, with the help of various global partners, the organization has provided 1.3 million meals so far.

Through a partnership with social giving platform Xocial, FAB is using social media and gamification to expand the effectiveness of corporate giving via social influencers, who can participate in ways outside of monetary contribution. For more information, visit