NEW YORK, Jan. 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Executive Women In Bio (EWIB), a committee comprised of senior leaders in biopharma and the life sciences operating within the national non-profit organization, Women In Bio (WIB), is pleased to announce that Boardroom Ready program has released the first annual directory of executive profiles of alumnae that have completed the program. Boardroom Ready is EWIB’s exclusive executive development platform, designed to fuel women’s participation on corporate boards of directors in the life sciences.

“Now going into our fourth year, 60 women have completed the Boardroom Ready program and have the expertise to readily step into the boardroom,” said Carolyn Brougham, chair of Boardroom Ready. “As the demand for increased diversity on corporate boards grows, we recognize there is a need for resources that help identify highly-qualified women who are primed for boardroom director positions. We believe this directory of our program alumnae will be a useful tool for both public and private life science organizations who are looking to incorporate experienced executive women into company boardrooms.”

The directory includes profiles of women who have completed the Boardroom Ready program and is designed to highlight their core competences while providing an overview of their individual work history and career achievements. Access to the directory can be requested by visiting the Boardroom Ready website here.

Since its inception in 2016, the Boardroom Ready program alumnae have been appointed to more than 20 board positions and this number grows almost monthly.  Applications for the 2019 program is now open.

EWIB’s Boardroom Ready Program is a comprehensive program designed to elevate, promote, and place highly qualified women on corporate boards. Throughout the program and following completion, Boardroom Ready works to leverage their network of life science executives, program supporters, and sponsors, such as founding sponsor LifeSci Advisors, to facilitate matching of program participants with companies seeking new board members. In addition, each candidate is partnered with an experienced board mentor to help navigate the path to board service. An intensive board competency-building curriculum at George Washington University is held annually to refine each candidate’s understanding of the duties, responsibilities, and commitments related to serving on both public and private boards. Boardroom Ready candidates also work with a professional resume writer to craft a board-tailored curriculum vitæ and biography. The Boardroom Ready program was inspired by Biogen’s internal Raising the Bar program.

Applications for the 2019 program should be sent to organizers by March 15, 2019. For more information on the program, including cost, the selection process, and mentorship opportunities, and to download the application form please visit

About EWIB

Executive Women In Bio (EWIB) is a committee comprised of senior leaders in biopharma and the life sciences operating within the membership-based, national non-profit organization, Women In Bio (WIB). EWIB champions for greater diversity and is committed to supporting female leadership through professional development programs, including Boardroom Ready. EWIB strives to be a foundational resource for women in executive roles, by fostering achievement and empowering women to be the best leaders and influencers they can be through formal education, training, and structured networking. EWIB offers a competitive, intensive board competency-building curriculum held annually at George Washington University to refine skills and to increase preparedness for the responsibilities related to serving on both public and private boards.

About Women In Bio

WIB is an organization of professionals committed to promoting careers, leadership, and entrepreneurship of women in the life sciences. Each of its 13 chapters hosts numerous events throughout the year, including networking, career development, professional education, and executive level-focused events. WIB also hosts a mentorship program which offers women the chance to mentor or be mentored, a Young Women In Bio program, which offers events and encouragement to middle-school aged girls, webinars, and the support of a large national organization with 13 chapters and growing. As a volunteer organization, WIB offers leadership opportunities at every stage of your career, and a chance to expand your network in a supportive and professional environment. For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Peggy Vorwald
Communications Lead, Executive Women In Bio
