Press release 23 January 2013

For the sixth time, German life insurer ERGO Lebensversicherung has proven its expertise and reliability with its occupational disability cover. The independent insurance analysis agency Franke und Bornberg has given the occupational disability insurance from ERGO Lebensversicherung its top FFF ("outstanding") rating.

Occupational disability cover is a complex business segment, where customer orientation, experience and stability all have an especially important role to play. Just how a provider overcomes these challenges is shown in the annual occupational disability rating carried out by Franke und Bornberg. Figures alone will not get an insurer very far in this demanding process since experts also check business processes on-site at the company's premises. Only a few insurers are ready to face the strict requirements of the occupational disability rating.

Reliable partner
In 2013, ERGO was awarded the highest mark of FFF ("outstanding") in the aforementioned rating, where for the sixth time, ERGO has demonstrated its high level of expertise when it comes to occupational disability cover. "We are very proud of this string of success", said Dr. Daniel von Borries, Chairman of the Board of Management at ERGO Lebensversicherung. "It shows that our customers have found a reliable partner in ERGO who can always be depended upon."

Exceptional performance
Three areas are tested as part of the occupational disability rating procedure: customer orientation in settling benefits, customer orientation in the offer and application stage and the stability of occupational disability business. Franke und Bornberg were impressed by ERGO's benefit settlement: the evaluation of one hundred randomly selected occupational disability insured events demonstrated the high quality of processing, customer support and benefit-related decisions.

Clear statements
During the offer and application stage, the analysts were particularly impressed with the customer-focused and clearly laid-out insurance application and declaration of health. The material is presented in clear language and puts the ERGO claim "To insure is to understand" into practice.

Long-term stability
Franke und Bornberg are in no doubt of the stability of occupational disability business: the analysts attest to the efficient controlling of ERGO with which possible risks can be identified quickly. They also judged conditions to stably manage portfolios and tariffs over a long period of time to be very good.

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About the ERGO Insurance Group
With premium income of € 20 billion, ERGO is one of the major insurance groups in Germany and Europe. Worldwide, ERGO is represented in more than 30 countries and concentrates on Europe and Asia. ERGO is one of the market leaders in all segments in its home market of Germany. More than 50,000 people work for the Group, either as salaried employees or full-time self-employed insurance agents.
ERGO offers a broad range in insurance, provision and services. More than 40 million customers, of which 20 million are based in Germany alone, place their trust in the expertise, security and support provided by ERGO and its experts in the various fields of business.
ERGO is part of Munich Re, one of the world's leading reinsurers and risk carriers. 
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This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on current assumptions and forecasts of the management of ERGO Lebensversicherung. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the forward-looking statements given here and the actual development, in particular the results, financial situation and performance of our Company. The Company assumes no liability to update these forwardlooking statements or to conform them to future events or developments.

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