Echo Music, the music software experts, present the ultimate audio wearable at CES 2018 - IP6 waterproof bone-conduction sunglasses and glasses for prescription wearers that play music and radio without cutting off the outside world. The MusicLens range of sunglasses and prescription glasses marry ultimate personal listening with supreme style ranging from $88 - $199.

The bone conduction technology allows users to listen to their favourite tunes on command, with no messy wires in sight by transmitting sound waves to the skull via vibrations. MusicLens range boasts a premium sound-leak reduction system to stop the outside world from hearing the music.

When connected to the iOS and Android apps, users can call hands-free with the touch of a button and stream music or radio from around the globe straight from the echo Music app, which already has over 30 million users.

JunYi Liu, CEO at Echo Music, said: “We have brought together the very best bone conduction technology, audio playback and radio in order to deliver the premium Echo Music MusicLens range of wearable products. These wearable devices give us a glimpse of the future, where helpful technology will augment many everyday items to provide a better life experience.”

Available to trial and test for the first time ever, Echo Music will demo its innovative range of wearable audio technology at CES 2018 in Las Vegas between 9 and 12 of January at South Hall 3 booth #30061.

MusicLens is the perfect accessory for travelling, exercising, shopping, driving and everyday life. With MusicLens, it’s easy to look fashionable and enjoy music at the same time. Battery life lasts for a massive 12 hours. Users can change the level of darkness depending on the light levels.


For more information, or to organise an interview and product demonstration at CES 2018 (Echo Music booth - South Hall 3 #30061), contact Harriet Butterfield at Honni on or

About Echo Music

Echo Music is a C round music software brand valued at 150 million USD. Up until 2016 the company developed software for millenials, the Echo Music app boasting 30 million users. In 2016, Echo Music embarked upon hardware and today manufactures and designs wearable audio devices. Designed with fashion in mind and with cutting-edge technology at its core.

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