Taiwan-based EVA Air ranks third among the world’s safest airlines on the annual index reported by Germany’s AERO International Magazine. After ranking among the top 10 seven times since 2004, EVA rose from 5th on last year’s list to achieve its highest score. The publication’s 2014 assessments were released in its February 2015 edition on January 16. With its safety programs, consistent record and high standards, EVA has solid standing among leading international airlines and ranks just behind Cathay Pacific Airways and Emirates on the AERO International list.

Aero International Magazine ranks EVA Air 3rd among the world's safest airlines. (Photo: Business Wi ...

Aero International Magazine ranks EVA Air 3rd among the world's safest airlines. (Photo: Business Wire)

“Our ranking significantly shows the high level of safety air traffic has now reached around the globe. It is good to see that airlines do not content themselves with what they have already achieved but work hard and continuously to make their operational services still safer,” said AERO International Editor-in-Chief Dietmar Plath.

EVA is also ranked among the world’s top-10 safest airlines in website AirlineRatings.com’s recently released analyses. EVA has not had any flight losses or fatalities since it was established and has demonstrated zero defects with performance in IATA’s Operational Safety Audits (IOSA) that have taken place every two years since 2005. Safety and quality service have been EVA priorities from the beginning.

“Safety is the most important part of every flight. Our quality service would not be possible without full attention to every aspect of operations. Recognition by this respected publication not only demonstrates EVA’s outstanding performance but also highlights the cutting-edge competitiveness of Taiwan’s aviation industry,” said EVA Chairman K.W. Chang.

Published monthly,AERO International focuses on civil aviation. It bases its annual safety rankings on analyses by Germany’s Jet Airliner Crash Data Evaluation Centre (JACDEC), an organization established in 1989 that, today, monitors more than 1,000 flight operators and serves as a reliable source for aviation safety information. JACDEC determines annual overall rankings by comparing an index value of each airline’s accumulated operations with those of other carriers and considers factors such as fleet age, serious flight accidents within the last 10 years, flight losses within the past 30 years and much more.

JACDEC’s 2015 rankings are available at http://www.jacdec.de/2015/01/13/updated-jacdec-airline-safety-ranking-for-2015-released/.

About EVA Air:

EVA Air, a Star Alliance member, was formed in 1989 as Taiwan's first privately owned international airline. It is part of the respected Evergreen Group and a sister company to global container-shipping leader Evergreen Line. It flies a fleet of close to 70 Boeing and Airbus aircraft to more than 60 international destinations throughout Asia, Oceania, Europe and North America where gateways include Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, Vancouver and, starting in June 2015, Houston. With just one easy stop in Taipei, travelers can connect onward to most major cities throughout Asia, including more than 30 destinations in China.