"Your country is a gleam of hope for Europe. You went through terrible economic times but now growth is rising again and unemployment has dropped. Latvia is an example for the EU to follow on how things should be done, how structural reforms have to go hand in hand with budgetary consolidation and investment", said Manfred Weber MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, to Latvian PM Laimdota Straujuma during the plenary debate on the Latvian Presidency's priorities.

"The ambitious priorities of the Latvian Presidency are also those of the European Commission for its work programme, which is a very good sign. We are fully behind you on the question of EU Passenger Name Records, the investment package, complementing the internal market, and a digital agenda for Europe", he said, also calling on EU governments to make quick progress on the Data Protection Regulation. On the international agenda, Manfred Weber underlined the need for the EU to have a single voice in the world and in particular on Russia: "The EU must stand together", he said.

"Our priority must be to create jobs. You can count on the EPP Group's full support to this end. The EU is in very good hands with your presidency", he concluded.

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