DOHA, Qatar-Taliban representatives and Afghan government delegates meet every few days at a beachfront Ritz-Carlton resort and spa here, the unhurried pace of their peace talks sharply contrasting with the raging war back home.

In recent weeks, the insurgents have seized nearly a third of Afghanistan's rural districts and besieged several provincial capitals, taking advantage of the withdrawal of American forces that is nearing completion.

World's First Covid-19 Vaccine Swap Sends Israel's Expiring Supply to South Korea

Israel sent about 700,000 expiring Pfizer-BioNTech shots to South Korea, in what is the world's first Covid-19 vaccine swap.

South Korea, which has received just 20% of the 192 million doses it preordered, will send an identical number of shots back to Israel at a later late. The arrangement is likely to be considered by other governments, health experts say.

Israel's New Government Fails to Extend Law Barring Citizenship for Palestinians

JERUSALEM-Israel's new government lost a parliamentary vote early Tuesday to extend a temporary law that bars citizenship for Palestinians from the occupied West Bank and Gaza who are married to Israelis, an early setback for the fragile ruling coalition.

The vote ended in a tie following a long night of debate, requiring a simple majority for the law to be extended. Fifty-nine lawmakers voted for it and 59 against in the 120-member Knesset.

Denmark Opened Euro 2020 With a Near-Tragedy. It Could Close It in the Final.

LONDON-In the scarring minutes Denmark's players spent watching medics try to save their teammate's life-those moments when Christian Eriksen lay on the pitch without a pulse-they could scarcely imagine resuming a soccer match, let alone playing the rest of a tournament.

Three weeks later, while Eriksen recovers, Denmark is without its best player and just 90 minutes from the European Championship final. The team that started as 25-to-1 long shots with the British bookmakers, faced a near-tragedy, and somehow pulled itself together will play England at Wembley Stadium on Wednesday night.

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Expected Major Events for Wednesday

06:00/DEN: May Industrial production & new orders

06:00/NOR: May Industrial Production Index

06:00/GER: May Industrial Production Index

06:00/UK: Jun Halifax House Price Index

06:00/NOR: May Monthly GDP

06:00/UK: 2Q Halifax House Price Index: UK Regional Breakdown quarterly release

06:45/FRA: May Foreign trade

06:45/FRA: May Balance of payments

07:00/HUN: May Preliminary Industrial Production

07:00/AUT: Jun Wholesale Price Index

07:00/SWI: Jun SNB foreign currency reserves

07:00/CZE: May External trade

07:00/CZE: May Industry, Construction

07:30/SWE: May New orders & deliveries in industry

07:30/SWE: May Industrial Production Index

08:00/ICE: Jun External trade, preliminary figures

08:00/ITA: May Retail Sales

08:30/UK: Jun Narrow money (Notes & Coin) and reserve balances

09:00/LUX: Jun CPI

10:00/IRL: May Industrial Production and Turnover

23:01/UK: CBI and PwC Financial Services Survey

23:01/UK: Jun RICS Residential Market Survey

All times in GMT. Powered by Kantar Media and Dow Jones.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

07-07-21 0016ET