In an EEA EFTA Comment on a proposal for a directive concerning the enforcement of provisions on the posting of workers, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have underlined the clear need to strengthen compliance with the relevant rules, especially to ensure that posted workers' wages and working conditions are in accordance with national law in the receiving country.

The EEA EFTA States emphasise that labour market rules should be designed to prevent social dumping and encourage high standards of social protection by applying measures to protect domestic and posted workers' rights, and to maintain high standards in the workplace.

The EEA EFTA States are concerned about the national control measures covered by the proposal as they do not include some of the measures already taken by some the EEA EFTA States. If the proposal is adopted in its current form, the EEA EFTA States would be obliged to discontinue their current practices which would be problematic and represent a step backwards, as the current measures have proven to be effective.

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