Drips, the founders of an industry-leading AI-powered conversational outreach platform, today announced that during the 2021 Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), the company generated nearly a quarter million qualified inbound calls from seniors interested in Medicare plans across its entire client ecosystem.

In 2021, Drips significantly expanded its footprint across the healthcare market through partnerships with some of the biggest companies in the industry and secured a significant growth investment from the Blue Venture Fund.

“Drips continues to propel its growth in the healthcare industry by leveraging a conversational outreach strategy that puts the consumer in control of every interaction. Seniors enrolling in Medicare plans for the first time have questions and they want to interact with a human to get answers before committing to a plan,” said Paul Spiegler, Healthcare Vertical Market Director for Drips.

The popularity of Medicare Advantage plans, the private plan alternative to Original Medicare, is growing. According to the non-profit organization KFF, (also known as the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation), as of 2021, more than 42 percent of Medicare beneficiaries, more than 26 million people, are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans will rise to about 51 percent by 2030.

“While having the most plans to choose from in a decade, the average Medicare beneficiary can find it challenging to choose the best plan from more than thirty Medicare Advantage plans,” said Spiegler. Drips communicates with seniors on behalf of payers with personalized messaging delivered in a warm, empathetic tone so that payers can reach out in a timely manner to answer questions they have, such as upcoming enrollment periods and deadlines, benefit options or to complete enrollment.

Between 2020 and 2021, total Medicare Advantage enrollment grew by about 2.4 million beneficiaries, or 10 percent, and those numbers are expected to grow in 2022. These numbers represent individuals who want easy access to information that could impact their health and well-being.

As the company continues its growth in 2022, Drips will continue helping shape the way healthcare organizations communicate with their members by providing an outreach strategy that allows organizations to engage with their audience in a comfortable, nonintrusive way during moments that matter.

About Drips

The Drips AI-powered platform enables brands to engage with their audiences using a conversational outreach strategy that includes human-like two-way texting, scheduled calling and voicemail messages. Backed by a proprietary natural language processing model, the Drips platform empowers brands to break through the noise, capture intent and drive meaningful outcomes. With more than half a billion conversations handled to-date, our AI is constantly improving. More than 3.5 billion touch points have gone through the Drips platform. The platform offers an open API allowing clients to integrate with any CRM, marketing automation system, dialer or call center platform. Learn more at www.drips.com or connect via LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or the Drips blog.