The "Directory of South & Central American Research Centres 2018" directory has been added to Research and Markets' offering.

The South & Central American Research Centres Directory listings include full organization contact information, including email and URL addresses. In addition, most Research Centres Directory entries feature a wealth of descriptive information, including: year founded; affiliation; budget; key staff; financial support; research activity; publications; educational activities; scholarships and awards bestowed; library holdings; and services offered.

The South & Central American Research Centres Directory's listings are organized into 17 sections by subject.

Each section is grouped into one of the following five broad categories:

  • Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences & Engineering
  • Private & Public Policy and Affairs
  • Social & Cultural Studies
  • Multidisciplinary Programs and Research Coordinating Centers

The South & Central American Research Centres Directory's arrangement by subject affords users easy, browsing access to the types of research programs that concern them.

Entries include:

  • The name of centre, address and full contact details including Email and URL
  • Senior personnel names
  • Centre affiliations
  • Staff numbers
  • Description of research program
  • Publications
  • Services and special facilities

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