This Lunar New Year feast has a yummy twist

It's made entirely of coconut milk jelly

LOCATION: Bangkok, Thailand

The Namjai dessert shop got inspired

by items often served in a traditional feast, such as:

pig's head

roast duck

steamed chicken

(SOUNDBITE) (Thai) CO-OWNER OF NAMJAI COCONUT MILK JELLY DESSERT SHOP, THANAPACH MONTRAPRASIT, SAYING:"Most people still want to preserve the culture of ancestral offerings. Although the jelly is not real duck or chicken, our set includes all the dishes that people would normally make. Also, I think that with a high cost of living now, pork and chicken meat are expensive, and the prices have all gone up. So, people have taken more interest in what we have."

A box set of nine items costs $27

and they've been a big hit with customers

(SOUNDBITE) (Thai) CUSTOMER, NAREE BOONYAKIAT, SAYING:"For me, I live alone and I have to go and search for all the dishes like the pork, chicken and ducks. There's a lot to buy and it's too hectic during this time. In comparison, buying this box set is more convenient and easier. Photos we take will turn out good as well. I think it's a great idea."