Dana Group International Investments Limited

("DANA" or the "Company")

Outcome of AGM and Other Matters

DANA, the Dubai-based real property investment company, at 11.00 a.m. GST today held its Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) in respect of the financial year ended 30th June 2019 in accordance with the meeting notice dated 27th November 2019 sent to all holders of class A voting shares in the capital of the Company and depository interests in the same and a second notice  amending the date of the AGM, which was sent on 30th December 2019.

Mr. Nawaf Shahin chaired the AGM; Mr. Ahmad Al Jaziri attended in his capacity as directors of DANA. Apologies had been notified to those present from Mr. Firas Baba and Mr. Khaled Owaidat.

The three resolutions before shareholders at the AGM, namely to receive and adopt the Report and Accounts in respect of the year from 1st July 2018 to 30th June 2019, authorising the directors to re-appoint Parker Randall Haris & Associates Auditing in Dubai as DANA’s auditors and to elect Mr. Nawaf Shahin a director of the Company, were passed without opposition.

Upon the completion of the formal business, the Chairman declared the AGM closed and invited shareholders to approach his colleagues and him immediately afterwards, with any questions they might have on the Report and Accounts today laid before members and adopted; or of a more general nature on the Company and its business.

Nawaf Shahin

Executive Director,

Dubai, 20th January 2020

This announcement has been made after due and careful enquiry; the Directors of the Company accept responsibility for its content.


Dana Group International Investments Ltd:

Contact: tel: +971 (0)4 350 3555; e-mail: ir@dana-investments.com; further information on Dana Group International Investments Limited is available from the Company's website: www.dana-investments.com   

Keith, Bayley, Rogers & Co. Limited:

Graham Atthill-Beck: tel: +44 (0)20 7464 4091; mobile: +971 (0)50 856 9408/+44 (0)750 643 4107; e-mail: blackpearladvisers@gmail.com; Graham.Atthill-Beck@kbrl.co.uk  

Brinsley Holman: tel: +44 (0)20 7464 4098; e-mail: Brinsley.Holman@kbrl.co.uk