TOKYO and SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 16, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- International production and creative management company Cross Media International (CMI), headquartered in San Francisco, California, announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Tezuka Productions of Japan to develop distribution opportunities for Tezuka's extensive portfolio of popular properties and characters within North America.

Known as Japan's "godfather of anime," Osamu Tezuka has created manga and animation characters, including the iconic hero "Astro Boy," that have been known and loved by multiple generations in Japan and millions of fans all over the world. His works span the entire manga and anime spectrum, ranging from children-oriented and science fiction productions to serious drama, semi-documentary, and horror-themed properties.

Tezuka Productions General Manager Yoshihiro Shimizu said, "We are very happy to be working with another strong partner to help bring Tezuka content to North America. We believe that CMI's extensive experience both in creative production as well as originating and closing deals will be a great benefit to Tezuka Productions as we seek to fulfill our mission of sending out Tezuka's works to the world. We're very much looking forward to working with CMI."

CMI Founder and Executive Producer, Christoper Frey, added, "CMI is thrilled to be able to work with the great team at Tezuka Productions to bring renewed visibility and increased exposure to their many well-known properties within the North American market."

About Tezuka Productions

Founded in 1968 by Osamu Tezuka, Tezuka Productions is involved in republication, character merchandising, animation production, and live-action films based on Osamu Tezuka's works, as well as development of new productions, working with other artists that fit with his vision.

About Cross Media International

Founded in 2003, Cross Media International (CMI) is a production and creative management company focused on projects that cross cultures, geography, and media. Covering the realms of advertising, film, games, music, publishing, and television, CMI operates from offices in San Francisco and Tokyo and serves as a bridge for ideas and opportunities across the Pacific and around the world.

CONTACT: Cross Media International
         Attn: Media Relations
         440 California Avenue, Building Two,
         Treasure Island, San Francisco, California 94130 USA
         Tel: +1 (415) 869-8664
         Fax: +1 (415) 869-8644