Congresswoman Mimi Walters addressed choice in education with students at a local charter school on Thursday, January 21.

At 1:30 p.m. at Oxford Prep Academy – South Orange County, over 850 students, teachers, and parents gathered to celebrate National School Choice Week. The event, organized by the Parents Advocate League, is titled “Celebrate Your Choice in Education,” honoring this school community, which engaged in school choice by selecting a charter school setting.

“We are honored to have Congresswoman Walters attend our event. She is working tirelessly in Washington to expand education options for children. During this special National School Choice Week, we are reaching out to families all over Orange County to empower them to seek the best school for their child,” said Julie Collier, executive director of Parents Advocate League.

Parents Advocate League is a nonprofit that focuses on educating parents to be advocates for their children’s education. The league supports all choices in education and believes parents should be the final decision makers when it comes to school choice.

For more information, contact Julie Collier at

A nonpartisan, nonpolitical public awareness effort, National School Choice Week shines a positive spotlight on effective education options for students, families, and communities around the country.

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