Clariti, a leader in state and local government permitting and licensing, has been named one of the 100 most influential companies serving North American Local and State Governments by Government Technology Magazine after being recognized on its ‘Govtech 100’ list for 2022.

The ‘GovTech 100’ is a compendium of 100 companies focused on making a difference and selling to state and local governments. This list is updated annually to reflect the progress and innovation being made by leading organizations serving state and local governments.

“The GovTech 100 for 2022 exemplify the potential of public and private-sector collaboration to catalyze innovation. Each of the GovTech 100 provides critical capabilities to help state and local agencies navigate uncertainty and reimagine the way they deliver services to their constituents,” says e.Republic Chief Innovation Officer Dustin Haisler.

Clariti has made major investments in state and local government permitting and licensing over the past year. The recent release of Clariti’s Building Permitting Solution, marks an important innovation as a no-code system that enables non-technical users to create and update complex approval workflows while providing a fully digital application, review and inspections experience for constituents.

“It’s an honor to have Clariti named to such an esteemed list of high impact government technology companies. It’s a credit to the work of our team and our customers as we’re rapidly shifting the way permitting and licensing programs are delivered and administered by government agencies across North America,” says Clariti Co-CEO Cyrus Symoom.

Clariti’s solutions are used by some of the leading permitting and licensing agencies in North America, including 3 of the 10 largest local government organizations in the United States. Clariti will continue to innovate to enable governments of all sizes to better serve the needs of their constituents.

The full Govtech 100 list can be found here.

About Clariti

Clariti is a 100% software-as-a-service (SaaS) company offering innovative and empowering permitting and licensing solutions for state and local governments. Trusted by governments of all sizes across North America, our solutions support effortless permitting and licensing management, and on average, 50-75% quicker turnaround times.

About is the online portal to Government Technology, a division of e.Republic, Inc. Government Technology and its sister publications are an award-winning family of magazines covering information technology's role in state and local governments. Through in-depth coverage of IT case studies, emerging technologies and the implications of digital technology on the policies and management of public sector organizations, Government Technology chronicles the dynamics of governing in the information age.