DOVER, Del., Jan. 4, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the more than 2,200 Delaware business leaders, TransPerfect employees, and community activists who comprise Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware (CPBD) announced the launch of an aggressive advertising campaign centered around a 6 figure television advertising buy. Today's announcement comes on the heels of significant momentum and growing public support for CPBD's efforts to save TransPerfect jobs while protecting the incorporation revenue that is vital to Delaware's economy. The ad will run beginning the first week of January through the last week. It will run nationally on stations including Bloomberg and Fox Business, and will run locally in Delaware on stations include CNBC, CNN, MSNBC and FNC.

The ad can be found here:

"We're taking to the airwaves because we want to make sure folks understand just what's at stake for thousands of workers and their families, and what's at stake for Delaware's economic competitiveness," said Chris Coffey, Campaign Manager for CPBD. "The more our neighbors learn about the Chancery Court's unprecedented judicial overreach, the more inclined they are to stand with the thousands of employees, business leaders, and concerned citizens who don't want to see the Court sell off Delaware's ability to attract businesses to incorporate within its borders."

In October, the Wilmington News-Journal, Delaware's largest newspaper, editorialized about the potential fallout from the Delaware Court of Chancery's actions regarding the forced sale of TransPerfect. "Already, states that compete with Delaware for incorporation revenue - like Nevada, Oklahoma and Rhode Island - are circling like sharks looking to wrest the business away from us," the Editorial Board wrote. "With a state budget shortfall estimated at $167 million, Delaware cannot afford to let this revenue stream dry up."

The television blitz will coincide billboards going-up along Martin Luther King Boulvard in the middle of January and with a direct mail campaign that CPBD commenced earlier this month. To date, the group has distributed full-page mailers to more than 55,000 Delaware households, and it plans to mail additional pieces in January and February.

In addition, CPBD has been engaged in an aggressive grassroots organizing program, focusing on the upcoming legislative session.

CPBD was formed after the Delaware Court of Chancery ordered an appointed custodian to sell TransPerfect amid an internal dispute among company owners. Over the past few months, CPBD has been involved with court proceedings, submitting an amicus brief and arguing that the Court of Chancery appoint a custodian to act as a provisional director until the dispute is resolved. The group intends to introduce legislation that would amend the law to require a three-year waiting period before the forced break-up of a company.

Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware is a group made up of more than 2,200 members including employees of the global translation services company TransPerfect, as well as concerned Delaware residents, business executives and others. They formed in April of 2016 to focus on raising awareness with Delaware residents, elected officials, and other stakeholders about the issue.

For more information on Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware visit

Contact: Kate Leisner,
Julijana Englander,

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