Today, following reporting of yet another approval of Attorney Robert Pincus’ unrestrained billing for his services, Citizens for Pro-Business Delaware slammed Pincus for habitual overbilling, burdening the companies whose interests he is meant to represent. In response to the Chancery Court’s approval to exceed the court’s $2 million fee cap in the Citgo sales process and allow Pincus to charge $3.1 million in his November status report, Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware Campaign Manager Chris Coffey released the following statement:

“Just a few short months ago, we spoke out against Robert Pincus’ egregious overbilling of yet another company under his supervision and whose interests he is legally bound to represent. And although we had hoped not to be, we are here again to stand up for those who have and continue to be wronged by a corrupt court system that allows money-hungry corporate attorneys like Pincus to fleece companies for millions in excess fees. Despite cries from all parties that Pincus burning through the $2 million budget at lightning speed and then requesting another $1.1 million on top is unfair, the con continues.

“It’s absurd that a known spendthrift like Pincus overshoot a pre-set budget by more than $1 million and assume that it will be paid, but that’s exactly what we’ve seen over and over again in Delaware. Whether it’s charging upwards of $50 million in fees to TransPerfect, or obliterating his budget in the Citgo sale, we will continue to stand against the murky dealings of Robert Pincus and all his Skadden Arps cronies, and fight for fairness and transparency in Delaware’s courts.”

Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware is a group made up of more than 5,000 members including employees of the global translation services company TransPerfect, as well as concerned Delaware residents, business executives and others. They formed in April of 2016 to focus on raising awareness with Delaware residents, elected officials, and other stakeholders about the unprecedented, forced sale of TransPerfect. While their primary goal of saving the company has been accomplished, they continue their efforts to fight for more transparency in the Delaware Chancery Court. For more information on Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware or to join the cause, visit